Friday, January 21, 2011

A new discovery

This is the greater spotted woodpecker and, sadly, I couldn't get a photo of him. It was thrilling as I had never seen one before. At first I thought it was a magpie and then suddenly caught sight of his red bottom! I grabbed my binoculars and found him high up in a tree ripping the bark off and looking for grubs. I have often seen a green woodpecker here, but this is my first EVER sighting of this species.

I hear the tawny owl hooting often and have tried going out and to see if I can spot him, but to no avail. My son's night vision glasses are great fun and I was hoping they might help me, but I have had no success with them yet. The problem is I am often too busy laughing, knowing how completely daft I look wandering around with them on. Can't wait for warmer evenings - I am on a mission: there is so much of the nocturnal world I would like to see.

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